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History of PDAC

From an association to a union

First mention of PDAC

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"PDAC has been working to bring about some positive changes for postdocs at the U of C. For example, the group has been organizing workshops and seminars to address common concerns of postdocs..."

"PDAC is also working with the university to change the status of postdoctoral fellows and research associates..." "This gives postdocs access to benefits..."

"PDAC has five specific missions to fulfill in the university:

  1. To provide a collective voice for the issues of particular relevance and interest to postdocs.

  2. To provide a liaison between postdocs and administration of The University of Calgary.

  3. To promote and develop effective training and career counselling of postdocs at The University of Calgary.

  4. To develop and maintain The University of Calgary Postdoctoral Registry.

  5. To disseminate information pertinent to postdocs."

Becoming an official union

For postdoctoral fellows at the University of Calgary

Graduation Caps


PDAC was created by postdoctoral scholars (postdocs) of the time to convey the concerns and issues impacting postdocs at The University of Calgary (U of C) to the U of C administration.

PDAC was not a legal bargaining agent.

More about PDAC


Business Meeting


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