What is PDAC Currently doing?
PDAC is actively working to improve the University of Calgary postdoc experience
PDAC Executives are actively working on:
Implementing the Collective Bargaining Agreement with The University of Calgary
Updating the PDAC Bylaws
Organizing Events for postdocs
Preparing PDAC office Space on Main campus
Improving PDAC communication towards postdocs

PDAC Executives are active on committees on behalf of postdocs:
Joint Worksite Health and Safety Committee
General Faculties Council
Cumming School of Medicine Executive Faculty Council
Cumming School of Medicine Faculty Council
University of Calgary Task Force on personal relationships
Canadian Association of Postdoctoral Scholars / l'Association Canadienne des Stagiaires Postdoctoraux (CAPS/ACSP)

PDAC Executives establish and maintain ties to the UofC community:
PDAC Executives are points of contacts for postdocs;
Ask-Me-Anything Sessions
Other PDAC events
Email enquiries
Assisting members