About PDAC
A newly minted union, run by postdocs for postdocs
What is PDAC?
PDAC’s purpose is to improve of the postdoctoral experience at The University of Calgary by:
Collecting data regarding the experiences and views of our members to ensure appropriate representation
Acting, based on that data, as the collective voice for our members in discussions with the Board of Governors regarding postdoctoral policy, guidelines, and services;
Acting as the exclusive bargaining agent for all postdocs;
Collaborating with the Postdoctoral Office, the Office of the Vice-President (Research), and other groups on campus to promote and develop effective training and career development opportunities for postdocs;
Holding career and professional development events for members;
Creating or identifying and sharing information and resources of relevance or utility to the postdoctoral community;
Recruiting and nominating postdoctoral representatives for academic councils and committees and facilitating communication among postdoctoral representatives across campus;
Promoting postdoctoral engagement in events, forums, committees or initiatives in the wider UCalgary community;
Providing support services for members and facilitating communication and interaction among members;
Supporting advocacy efforts that focus on improving policies pertinent to postdocs
What is PDAC currently doing?
PDAC Executives are actively working to improve The University of Calgary postdoc experience by:
Implementing the Collective Bargaining Agreement with The University of Calgary
Updating the PDAC Bylaws
Organizing Events for postdocs
Recruiting an PDAC Executive Director and Assistant
Setting up PDAC banking accounts
Preparing PDAC office Space on Main campus
Improving PDAC communication towards postdocs
PDAC Executives are active on committees on behalf of postdocs:
Joint Worksite Health and Safety Committee
General Faculties Council
Cumming School of Medicine Executive Faculty Council
Cumming School of Medicine Faculty Council
University of Calgary Task Force on personal relationships
Canadian Association of Postdoctoral Scholars / l'Association Canadienne des Stagiaires Postdoctoraux (CAPS/ACSP)
PDAC Executives establish and maintain ties to the UofC community:
PDAC Executives are points of contacts for postdocs;
Ask-Me-Anything Sessions
Numerous cases that required assistance from PDAC