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PDF representatives are required


Two PDF representatives are required for the following posts:

1. PDF rep for the Committee of Diversity & Equity (D&E)

The Committee of Diversity & Equity (D&E) in the Faculty of Science is looking for a Postdoc rep to sit on and make contributions from their perspective on this committee, which runs for a two years terms. The D&E Committee works to implement anyone of the three (diversity, equity, inclusion) into various situations they may encounter and so a person that has a passion for diversity, etc., would find this committee very interesting. Please reply to PDAC ( if you are interested in this post.

2. PDF rep for the Innovation Working Group

The Innovation Working Group is meeting over lunch (lunch is always served) on January 15th and there may only be a total of three meetings, all over lunch. Their mandate is to define Topics for the 2019 Innovation Workshop Series, this year’s topics being ARVR, Data Science, Sensor Tech, and Blockchain, just to name a few and they will also work on planning for 4-Year Innovation Activity.

Please reply to PDAC ( if you are interested in this post.

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